Sunday, October 24, 2010

Old Favorites Seeing New Light

Ahh, the days of when I was a kid playing Nintendo in my parent's basement. It was so much fun not having a care in the world only to get to the next level in Super Mario Brothers. I recall playing it from when I got home from school to bedtime, until I was able to beat the entire game from level 1 to level 8 with no deaths, a bajillions lives, and under 30 minutes.

Anyway, Super Mario Brothers Crossover is a fan made game, made by Jay Pavilina, via flash reliving all the glory of Super Mario Brothers with a slight twist. Not only can you choose to play Mario, but you can play Link, Bill R., Simon, Mega Man, Samus, or Ryu. Yes, every one of these old protagonists comes with some of their special moves they had in their own video game such as Ryu climbing on walls and shooting shurikens to Bill R. with his gun.

Playing this game with a keyboard takes talent. Talent that I lack. I tried hooking up my game pad to play it but my computer wanted nothing to do with it. So, I stumbled along Crossover with my keyboard, missing many key bricks, and flopped onto the flag pole at the end. Oh how sad of a game play for me. I will come back with vengeance, after my computer and I have a talk, that is, about her not excepting the game pad.

The game is free to play and played online here- Super Mario Brothers Crossover
Forum for this game here- Exploding Rabbit Forum
Game pad use- How To Play Flash Games With Game pad

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